摩特诺玛会装备你,带着对耶稣的深爱和与人交往的热情,勇敢地进入你生命的下一个阶段. 我们邀请您迈出申请入学的第一步. 我们致力于帮助您追求最好的生活, 我们会在整个申请过程中为你提供帮助. 下面的按钮将带您到我们的本科申请, 研究生, 神学院, and online programs. Call or text us at (503) 251-6485 if you have any questions.
Alternative Applications
If you are seeking a guest application or re-enrollment, use the buttons below to access your application.
Application Checklist
本科 Checklist
- Meet the 本科 Educational Qualifications
- 申请摩特诺玛大学的学生必须高中毕业或获得同等学历(GED),至少2分.5-grade point average (GPA).
- Fill out your MU application
- Fall Priority Application Deadline: August 1
- Spring Priority Application Deadline: December 1
- 提交40美元的申请费-目前所有申请人在12月15日之前都可以免除申请费!
- 这笔不可退还的费用将在提交申请时在线支付.
- Submit your Christian Character Reference Form
- This form is to be completed by the applicant’s 部长, 青年部长, 精神导师, or another Christian adult who knows the student well. This form cannot be completed by a relative.
- Request your Official High School Transcript
- 这应该至少包括你高中三年级的成绩单(或GED成绩报告). 它应该是一份密封的文件,直接从你的高中寄给摩特诺玛大学. 如果你还没有毕业,也请在毕业时提交一份最终成绩单.
- 转学
- 你所就读的每所学院或大学的正式成绩单, or are currently attending, or from which you will receive credit.
- 获得少于24个学时(或36个学分)大学学分的转学申请人还必须提交高中成绩单或GED成绩.
- For homeschooled students only:
- 21岁以下的学生需要提交SAT或ACT成绩. 摩特诺玛的标准化测试识别号码为:
- SAT代码:4496
- ACT代码:3476
- 21岁以下的学生需要提交SAT或ACT成绩. 摩特诺玛的标准化测试识别号码为:
研究生 Checklist
- Fill out your MU application
- Fall Application Deadline: August 1
- Spring Application Deadline: December 1
- 提交40美元的申请费-目前所有申请人在12月15日之前都可以免除申请费!
- 这笔不可退还的费用将在提交申请时在线支付.
- Submit your Christian Character Reference Form
- This form is to be completed by the applicant’s 部长, 精神导师, or another Christian adult who knows the student well. This form cannot be completed by a relative.
- Submit your Academic or Professional Reference Form
- 教授、导师、雇主或前雇主等应填写此表格. This form cannot be completed by a relative.
- Request your Official Transcript(s)
- 您曾经就读或正在就读或将获得学分的各院校的正式成绩单.
- M.A. 在成功的面试后,咨询候选人将被邀请完成背景调查.
- Fill out your MU application
- 提交40美元的申请费-目前所有申请人在12月15日之前都可以免除申请费!
- 这笔不可退还的费用将在提交申请时在线支付.
- Submit your Christian Character Reference Form
- This form is to be completed by the applicant’s 部长, 青年部长 or 精神导师, or another Christian adult who knows the student well. This form cannot be completed by a relative.
- 提交你的学术或专业推荐表格(研究生和神学院学生)
- 教授、导师、雇主、前雇主等应填写此表格; it should not be completed by a relative.
- Designate a Mentor (在线 MACL and M.Div. 程序只)
- 作为摩特诺玛圣经神学院在线课程的一部分, 学生需要定期与导师(牧师)会面, 老, 执事, or other Church Leader) in their local community. 本表格须由同意以该身分服务的人士填写.
- Request your Official Transcript(s)
- 本科
- 这应该至少包括你高中三年级的成绩单(或GED成绩报告). 它应该是一份密封的文件,直接从你的高中寄给摩特诺玛大学. 如果你还没有毕业,也请在毕业时提交一份最终成绩单.
- 研究生 and 神学院
- 您曾经就读或正在就读或将获得学分的各院校的正式成绩单.
- 转学
- 你所就读的每所学院或大学的正式成绩单, or are currently attending, or from which you will receive credit.
- 获得少于24个学时(或36个学分)大学学分的转学申请人还必须提交高中成绩单或GED成绩.
- Homeschooled Students
- Multnomah provides a free transcript template as a courtesy to our homeschooled applicants.
- 21岁以下的学生需要提交SAT或ACT成绩. Multnomah’s standardized test identification numbers are:
- SAT代码:4496
- ACT代码:3476
- 本科
- The application fee is waived for those applying to the M.S. in Management in Leadership program.
神学院 Checklist
- Fill out your 神学院 Application
- Fall Priority Application Deadline: August 1
- Spring Priority Application Deadline: December 1
- 提交40美元的申请费-目前所有申请人在12月15日之前都可以免除申请费!
- 这笔不可退还的费用将在提交申请时在线支付.
- Submit your Christian Character Reference Form
- This form is to be completed by a 导师, 部长, 或另一位领袖,他可以谈论申请人对基督教价值观的承诺,以及他或她的精神和情感成熟度. This reference cannot be completed by a relative.
- Not required for D.最小值. and MAAT applicants.
- Submit your Academic or Professional Reference Form
- 教授、导师、雇主、前雇主等应填写此表格. This form cannot be completed by a relative.
- Not required for D.最小值. and MAAT applicants.
- Request your Official Transcript(s)
- 您曾经就读或正在就读或将获得学分的各院校的正式成绩单.
D.最小值. & MAAT Additional Items Checklist
- 三个额外的 入学论文
- 重新开始
- Married applicants
- If you are married, 你的配偶需要提交一份表格,确认他或她支持你攻读学位. 你的配偶将间接参与你的教育, as your pursuit will impact the time, 能源, and resources you have to give to other responsibilities. 我们认为,在这项事业中得到他或她的全力支持是很重要的.
- 注意:D.最小值. 和MAAT申请人不需要提交学术或专业推荐表格或基督教品格推荐表格.
准备申请? Start Application
If you do not have an official transcript, 你可以提交你的普通教育发展(GED)考试成绩或一份签字的家长声明,表明你已经满足了你所在州的家庭学校要求,以及一份9-12年级的书面成绩单,说明你修过的每门课程, the grades you received, and your graduation date. Multnomah provides a free transcript template as a courtesy to our homeschooled applicants.
通过填写联邦学生援助免费申请表(FAFSA)完成经济援助的第一步。. Please apply online at www.fafsa.ed.政府.
访问我们的 institutional aid options and outside aid options, and check out our blog “8 Ways to Afford Private College寻求更多帮助.
是的. 查看我们的 在线 Degrees page 欲知详情.
如果您需要特殊住宿,请通过电子邮件与招生办公室联系 admissions@wonderfulbabygifts.com 或者通过呼叫 (503) 251-6485 or (877) 251-6560.
得到 开始
高等教育是一段充满力量和挑战的经历. Your education is a journey, and it all starts here.